CQI Communicator - Q1 2019

Welcome to The CQI Communicator, a quarterly newsletter that brings you the latest in
continuous quality improvement, project management, and tips/tricks to help you optimize your team's effectiveness,
courtesy of your partners in Planning, Assessment & Innovation (PAI). Enjoy!

CQI…Getting Better All the Time

Here in FBO at Wayne State, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a way of improving our processes to enable us to achieve our strategic goals and attain our vision of becoming THE Model of Service Excellence. It begins with our customers, utilizes proven methods and tools, is data- driven, and implemented by individuals and teams closest to the customer experience. In ongoing, daily ways and through longer-term initiatives, CQI helps us transform the way we do business. To learn more, visit the CQI page on the PAI website.

Who You Gonna Call?... PAI!

The Office of Planning, Assessment and Innovation (PAI) is here to help! Our team is comprised of experienced practitioners certified in data analysis, quality improvement methodologies and project management. PAI partners with teams across FBO to support strategic prioritieswe offer consulting, tools, and resources to help teams implement best practices that allow them to deliver outstanding experiences to the Wayne State community. Visit the About Us page on our website to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we can help you! Contact us at fbo-pai@wayne.edu.

Coming Soon…

Intro to CQI Online

In the summer/fall of 2018, many FBO staff attended the classroom version of "Intro to CQI," where they gained perspective on the components of a process; used a handy tool to help identify process waste; recalled many ways CQI is at work across campus; and got inspiration to improve their own individual or team processes. This learning experience is coming soon to a computer screen near you. Whether you want a refresher of what you learned in the classroom, or didn't get the opportunity to attend, stay tuned here for more info!

CQI Connection Community of Practice (CoP)

  • Wondering what others are doing in FBO or across campus to improve their processes?
  • Want to know where to go for quick DIY process improvement resources?
  • Looking for a way to break down the silos to make work better?

Coming soon! Your partners in PAI are in the process of building the CQI Connection Community of Practice (CoP)a networked environment of discussion, learning, sharing, collaboration, and inspiration that brings all staff interested in CQI together, from newbies to experts, face-to-face and onlineto empower each of us to make a difference improving the student experience at WSU. Stay tuned here for more info!